Microbusiness Consulting

In my experience, most micro business owners believe they have a complete handle on their operation, but once we run through the data, the takeaways can be surprising. That’s where I come in. While your tax accountant or your bookkeeper are already making sure you run things correctly, I can see the bigger picture and help you make adjustments better suited to your business goals - which could mean running leaner, becoming more attractive to prospective employees, or increasing your outreach.



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    A free consultation to go over your goals for our work and get a chemistry read - us being able to talk to each other is going to be huge.

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    Over two to three sessions, we will go over all your financials, create a savings plan, and address specific goals.

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    The goal is to empower you to make strategic decisions for your business based on a holistic financial assessment.


  • We meet quarterly to evaluate your progress, and discuss successes and challenges.

 Not a business owner? Learn more about individual financial coaching here.